A project comprising music, film, dance, performance and a series of art installations inspired by encounters between people in the World’s major cities. 

Our work moves between the excitement and challenges of urban life, a journey through the city and its people, who are constantly re-creating their lives. 

Leading artists, filmmakers and researchers weaving through each other’s geographies and artistic practices together to keep building this place:  Where we live 

Sequences and scenes of personal disintegration and integration into a wider society and space, experienced by immigrants and locals in their pursuit to adapt to a new fast and ever-changing place, are common in and central to our work.

Art Ubicua is the new development arising out of the Transtango project, which started in 2006: a multi-disciplinary performance that began as a group of artists curated by Patricia Bossio to come together to explore the theme of ‘Urban Encounters’ and migration.  Transtango’s performance work continues, following the paths and state of migration today with its new work: Where I live

The work blends live contemporary international music and dance, calling on documentary film techniques and Visual Arts to create a multi-disciplinary performance, which speaks

A constant movement, creating meaning between the stories of migrants, the artists, and the audience, Henry Singer’s evocative film, together with music, dance and presence of visual art, reveals the sense of a multi-sited dimension that is experienced individually and socially in migration, reaching the audience on all levels for all become an active part.


HERETICUS by Adam Finch Marcelo Nisinman and Patricia Bossio.
For Transtango project

Singer is perhaps the most intimate, sensitive filmmaker working today
— Broadcast Magazine
…Nisinman, an enigmatic half smile playing around his lips he coaxed chromatic impossibilities from the tangle of buttons and fingers at his left hand and lower, throatier lines from the right.
— The Independent, UK
Une création de Jorge Bosso digne d’illustrer un film de Tim Burton né fut pas éclipsée par Martha Argerich en solo
— Diapason, progetto Martha Argerich
John Turville … one of the leading jazz pianists of his generation
— Ian Mann
The percussive music of Sola Akingbola makes a vital contribution to a production
that makes you feel, even if you are seeing Hamlet for the 50th time, that you are experiencing it anew.
— The Guardian

WHERE I LIVE at the gallery