Art Ubicua CIC is the new development arising out of the Transtango project, which started in 2006: a multi-disciplinary performance that began as a group of artists mainly from Argentina and the UK curated by Patricia Bossio to come together to explore the theme of ‘Urban Encounters” and migration. 

 The Transtango project has invariably sold out London venues such as King’s Place, the British Library, and the Bloomsbury Theatre as well as at the Aldeburgh Festival, Birmingham CBSO, Salisbury Festival and others (funded by Arts Council of England).

We are a London-based network of international leading artists, thinkers, scientists, and other artistic practitioners, working on an interdisciplinary, intercultural and inter-generational basis that collaborate in different fields, including sculptors, musicians, visual artists, performance artists, painters and academics.

In 2022 in expanding towards the visual arts we opened Ubicua Gallery in the heart of Fitzrovia and successfully presented collaborative exhibitions into the map of prestigious galleries.